January is almost over so this might be a little late but it’s at least better than never. I was privileged enough to get to visit quite a few restaurants…
What does a private chef in Mallorca do in low season? Winter is the perfect time to slow down, reflect on and reevaluate what went well and what can be…
I feel like never really got properly started with the blog. Yeah, sure I did a few posts but then came sumer with all the business (bussy-ness) it means for…
SVENSK VERSION NEDAN/SWEDISH VERSION BELOW Part of why my spirit has kept so high this summer and fall, despite lots of work and hot weather, I believe, is that I…
It’s been a while since I wrote something here. Much because the season started and there just hasn’t been enough time. Long days in the kitchen with 30+. degrees outside…
April is a funny month weather wise. In the northern hemisphere it seems to always want to give you a taste of spring before turing 180degrees and showing you the…