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I just Can’t Get Enough (of Those Wild Flowers)

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Yesterday I wrote about wild flowers and the abundance of them on Mallorca at the moment. I love working with wild food. As mentioned yesterday I rarely have the opportunity to use wild greens for my clients, but at home, on my spare time there’s few things that makes my heart sing in the same way. To go out in nature and collect my food is such a luxury and privilege that most people in cities don’t have the opportunity to experience. 


There are however some plants to be avoided, highly toxic ones even. It can be wise to learn from an expert (here in Mallorca we have Uta, My Wild Greens) or get a book that covers your area.

A wild a delicious salad that later on was dressed with local olive oil, balsamico, salt and pepper.

There’s so many edible green leafs to be found in nature. Many are peppery, resembling rocket. Others milder in flavour. And then there’s of course all the flowers!

Wild leek flowers

There isn’t just sweet flowers around. Some are full of flavours and goes better with savoury food; like leek and garlic flowers.

Todays harvest became a lunch in the shape of  a simple omelette with goats cheese, wild garlic flower and onion flower. Decorated with fennel, mallow and italian bugloss. A simple wild green salad became the side. Yum! 

Wild flower omelette with goats cheese

Wild flower omelette:

A bit of butter for the pan

2-3 eggs lightly beaten, seasoned with salt and pepper

1 leek flower, finley chopped (or a finely chopped shallot if no leek flowers around)

Garlic flowers

Grated hard goats cheese

A mix of flavoursome wild flowers for decoration such as; mallow, gladiolus, daisy (petals only), bourgonvillea, italian bugloss or anything really. Some wild fennel is also a nice addition.

  1. Heat the pan to medium high and put the butter in the pan, once it melted add your leek flower, fry till soft and lift ut of the pan
  2. Add your seasoned egg mix to the pan, lower he heat.
  3. Once the omelette is starting to sit. Add your leek flower, fresh garlic flowers and grated goats cheese on half of the omelette. 
  4. Fold the empty half over the part with the filling. If you want it more well done, use a plate to turn the omelette: put the plate over the pan like a lid, in one firm movement flip the whole thing upside down, slide the omelette back in to the pan with the previous top-side down.
  5. Slide the omelette on to a plate and decorate with your wild flower mix
  6. Enjoy!
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