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Seeded crackers, delicious prebiotic.

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Baking seeded crackers while waiting

The carpenter is putting in a new window next to the front door in my house. When the Tramuntana storms are howling through the mountains the wind and rain hit that side of the house with full force. The current window is a sliding one and the hard winds doesn’t let the rain water drain from the sliding thing. Instead it ends up on the inside, on my floor, on my couch, very close to cords and the router… The solution is another window, shielding the first one, seems a bit weird to me but I’m no carpenter. The drilling in the stone wall makes the house shake. Every time they drill I have to stop writing ’cos my brain ceases to function, it just goes blank. Bop. During the morning I have instead of answering emails etc done my favourite seeded crackers, a delicious no-brainer. They are also a staple in my cupboard I was just in need of a top-up.

I’m not a health guru

I’ve just had tummy issues for years, due to various things… Mostly stress and drinking tap water in places where one should not, resulting in parasites, resulting in antibiotics, resulting in messed up flora and so on. 

Pre- and probiotics

Classic breakkie. One tea spoon of broccoli sprouts contain more good stuff than a whole head of broccoli. Fun fact of the day.

Long story short. Probiotics are great to recoup your tummy. Most fermented things contain probiotics, excluding alcohol unfortunately. Probiotics get their fuel from prebiotics. Prebiotics are basically fibres. I ingest mine in the yummiest way (otherwise I just wouldn’t); sprouts, seeds, nuts, veggies and fruit. Psyllium husk is also one of the best sources, but that is not yummy so we won’t talk about that (best to stir in water and just pour in to the mouth before properly awake in order to pretend it never happend/was a bad dream before getting on with the day). Reading till about here my friend Ylva will send me a message saying the blog post is too long, again. So I’ll stop talking and start sharing… Here’s my most addictive and perhaps also tastiest prebiotic; 

Seeded crackers

Healthy, tasty and pretty. Unbeatable combo.

Put the oven on 140C fan or 150C over-under heat

  • In a big bowl mix:
  • 100ml pumpkin seeds
  • 100ml sunflower seeds
  • 100ml flax seeds
  • 100ml sesame seeds
  • (Optional same quantity  poppy seeds and/or chia but then add slightly more water)
  • 400ml corn flour
  • A big pinch of sea salt
  • 100ml olive oil
  • 500ml warm water

You’ll also need:

  • Fennel seeds
  • Flakey sea salt

Line a baking tray with paper and flatten about a third of the ”dough” thin and evenly on it. Sprinkle with flakey sea salt and your choice of flavour. I love fennel seeds but nutritional yeast is also good. Or why not a mix of smashed cumin and coriander seeds? Plain salt is another favourite of mine. Feel free to let loose and get creative.

Repeat with two more trays. Or just on paper if you don’t posses 3 trays. Then drag the paper on to a tray as you’re done baking the previous.

Bake for about 45min till completely dry. If you happen to take them out too early you can just put them in again later to dry them fully. Same thing if some of the pieces got a bit thicker and didn’t dry out as well as the thinner. Break apart and put the thicker back in the oven. They will keep longer when completely dry. Taste better too.

Enjoy with eggs, anchovy and sprouts or burrata and confit tomatoes or with your favourite dip or with a cheese/charkuterie board or any other way you like. They are quite amazing just as is as well. Sometimes I eat them as a snack instead of crisps/popcorn. Your mouth will most likely love them just as much as your probiotics.

Remember to store in an airtight container in a secret spot, ’cos too good to share. 

Best cracker with charcuterie boards. Photo by Amanda Malm
With egg and avocado and heaps of cilantro. And an espresso. For a great start of the day.
Perfect to bring on a hike with hummus. Overlooking the Tramuntana on a much sunnier day than today.
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